Look Again Think Think Got More Things | 600383.SS 金地集团 Gemdale Corporation Charting | AmiBrokerAcademy.com

16 September, 2018


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Moses Stock Stories – Thinking Out Loud 


600383.SS 金地集团 Gemdale Corporation Charting

Buy Support Sell Resistance.

Study 金地集团 Gemdale Corporation stock price, see chart picture worth a thousand words. The stock price is very volatile from 2015.

In technical analysis, the key is cut lost quick and take profit as you go. When the stock fail to achieve going higher, it is a great idea to protect your profit.

So, see you can identify support and resistance. Now the price action pullback near the support, or the previous resistance; resistance turns support.

Manage Your Risk! 

September 14, 2018 金地集团 Gemdale Corporation from last Recession 2008

If you can see the whole chart, “press Ctrl and -” to zoom out to see the entire chart. 


Study the chart again, see chart picture worth a thousand words. You may see bearish flag. In order for the price action to go lower the price action have to move up first. So, pole sideways slopping up and another pole. Trade with eyes open. We always think think and got more thighs. Manage your risk.

September 14, 2018 金地集团 Gemdale Corporation Think Think Bearish Flag


How about add an indicator like MACD? What have your got? Price goes lower, but MACD signal move higher. Trade with eyes open.

September 14, 2018 金地集团 Gemdale Corporation MACD and Bearish






The above result is for illustration purpose. It is not meant to be used for buy or sell decision. We do not recommend any particular stocks. If particular stocks of such are mentioned, they are meant as demonstration of Amibroker as a powerful charting software and MACD. Amibroker can program to scan the stocks for buy and sell signals.

These are script generated signals. Not all scan results are shown here. The MACD signal should use with price action. Users must understand what MACD and price action are all about before using them. If necessary you should attend a course to learn more on Technical Analysis (TA) and Moving Average Convergence Divergence, MACD.

Once again, the website does not guarantee any results or investment return based on the information and instruction you have read here. It should be used as learning aids only and if you decide to trade real money, all trading decision should be your own.