破斧沉舟 0763.HK ZTE Corporation 中兴通讯 and MACD | AmiBrokerAcademy.com

April 22  2018 


破斧沉舟 (Pò fǔ chén zhōu)

Good or Bad – No One Know

How China telecoms maker ZTE responds to its supply chain disruption; losing access to products from US chip makers for seven years? The results could largely determine if ZTE remains a strong player or falls by the  sidewalk.

The fact, more importantly, US action could be the catalyst for China to move towards its long term goal of becoming less reliant on foreign technology.


破釜沉舟 is an idioms (chengyu 成语) with strong connotations of determination and fight.

Hong Kong Stock Chart Analysis

0763.HK ZTE Corporation 中兴通讯 and MACD

Manage your risk! Study ZTE Corporation 中兴通讯 using MACD indicator. From the MACD slopping down and the price action slopping down are both in sync. It signals a weak in market interest for the stock in recent six months.

Manage your risk.

Technical Analysis will provide you set of perspective, but the fundamental about the company is currently become very important and interesting.


Powerful Chart Software – AmiBroker

The following chart is produced using AmiBroker charting software. It is a powerful chart software. Anything, finance ticket you could download from Yahoo! Finance you could plot them, those you are interested all in a chart, so you could analyse them.

April 20, 2018 ZTE Corporation 中兴通讯 and MACD Slopping Down



Moses China Stock Chart Analysis



The above result is for illustration purpose. It is not meant to be used for buy or sell decision. We do not recommend any particular stocks. If particular stocks of such are mentioned, they are meant as demonstration of Amibroker as a powerful charting software and MACD. Amibroker can program to scan the stocks for buy and sell signals.

These are script generated signals. Not all scan results are shown here. The MACD signal should use with price action. Users must understand what MACD and price action are all about before using them. If necessary you should attend a course to learn more on Technical Analysis (TA) and Moving Average Convergence Divergence, MACD.

Once again, the website does not guarantee any results or investment return based on the information and instruction you have read here. It should be used as learning aids only and if you decide to trade real money, all trading decision should be your own.