What Goes Up Must Come Down | Protect Your Profit

Easy Said Than Done

Protect your profit! It is easy said than done.


Before the oil price begin to stumble down, those whom has got the upper hand on the oil, oil related product, or services were laughing to the bank. But, now the situation has change.  Many are worry, what they have invested may not be able to get their return. As some always understand that what goes up must come down.


Tip of Iceberg

Can the incident be just the tip of the iceberg? There were no indications of what will coming from Swiber episode. This is really a difficult time for oil and oil related industry. Read Swiber story from the link, http://www.straitstimes.com/business/banking/swiber-imploded-in-just-6-weeks-dbs-chief-piyush-gupta.



DBS Southeast Asia largest bank has dropped to the lowest in almost seven years, even with after bank chief strongly defense, the Bloomberg recommendations. Read links for details. http://www.straitstimes.com/business/banking/dbs-chief-fails-to-ease-analyst-discomfort-over-oil-and-gas-exposure


What’s Next?

Read the story from Lian He Zao Bao, http://beltandroad.zaobao.com/news/advance/story20160814-654093.  “《联合早报》查阅多家油气股公司的最新年报发现,以斯拉(Ezra)、毅之安(Ezion)、Swissco、Pacific Radiance、明光海事(Beng Kuang)的主要银行都包括星展银行。”, in short Lian He Zao Bao checked the annual report of the following companies, Ezra, Ezion, Swissco, Pacific Radiance, and Beng Kuang Marine and found that the main financial organisation involved has had DBS.


Let’s have a look at these companies stock for the next few days.